1200 x 600 Nero Gold Gloss

£49.99 /m2 + vat

Sizes available:

  • 120 x 60cm

120 x 60cm - £49.99 /m2 + vat

These large format porcelain tiles are an ever-increasing popular trend in interior design. With sizes exceeding traditional dimensions they create a seamless, modern and spacious appearance. Their sleek surface, easy maintenance and versatility make them perfect for modern and sophisticated spaces, offering a stunning visual impact both on the walls and floors.

Our collection incorporates a wide range of options including marble and stone effects that will appeal to both a contemporary or more traditional design.

Room Calculator

Simply choose your preferred tile size below and then enter your room area in m2 and the room calculator will work out how many tiles you need to order.

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SKU: 1200 x 600 Nero Gold Category:

Porcelanite Dos our Spanish Partners for Porcelain Tiles

Wood Flooring Manufacturers - Spacers Tile & Wood Flooring

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